INDRUM 2024 is an ERME Topic Conference

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TWG Leaders - Liason - Rooms







Hanke /Martínez-Planell

Laura Branchetti

C1/017 (Outside CRM)



Margherita Piroi

Pol 1 (CRM)


Basic /Landgards-Tarvoll

Janielly Verbisck

A1 (CRM)


Ghedamsi / Nicolás

Pedro Nicolás

C1/028 (CRM)


Thoma / Viirman

Berta Barquero

Auditorium CRM

Questions for the panel: link to the board

 Questions for the panel

Laura Branchetti, as chair of the panel that will take place next Thursday, kindly asks all INDRUM 2024 participants to answer three questions that will allow the panelists to prepare for the general discussion after the presentations.
The questions can be answered on the following Mirò Board, which you can access at this link: (an email is required to participate). Each answer can be typed in the text boxes associated with each question.
(Miró Board Tutorial: )

Second announcement, Pre-Proceedings and TWG Session plan are now available

Now available

Second announcement, Pre-Proceedings and TWG Session plan are now available

Final Schedule

Final schedule

The final schedule is now available.

Workshop for early career researchers

Workshop for early career researchers

A workshop for INDRUM2024 early career researchers entitled: 

Starting to write journal articles

is proposed on:

Monday 10th June, 9h30am

It is organised by: Elena Nardi (University of East Anglia, UK) and Megan Wawro (Virginia Tech, USA).

Find further information in the following link


Main deadlines

The main deadlines of the INDRUM 2024 conference are the following: 

  • 2 November 2023: Registration opens
  • 30 November 2023: Deadline for submission of papers and posters proposal
  • 17 January 2024: Deadline for reviewers to submit their reviews
  • 17 February 2024: Decisions about paper or poster acceptance
  • 11 April 2024: Deadline for revisions of papers and posters
  • 30 May 2024: Deadline for registration and payment
  • 3 June 2024: Deadline for ECR Workshop expression of interest and contribution submission


Presentation of the conference

This Conference falls within the activities of the research project INDRUM (acronym for International Network for Didactic Research in University Mathematics), which has been initiated by an international team of researchers in didactics of mathematics. This research project is intended to contribute to the development of research in didactics of mathematics at all levels of tertiary education, with a particular concern for the development of new researchers in the field and for dialogue with mathematicians. The INDRUM initiative project has several objectives, including:

  • elaborating a scientific programme in order to network researchers in this field from around the world:
  • developing international collaborations by responding to project funding calls at all levels (local, regional, European, international);
  • enhancing the visibility of this research area for the communities of mathematics education and mathematics;
  • contributing to the development of doctoral programmes in the field.

The themes to be addressed at INDRUM 2024 will build on those addressed at the previous INDRUM conferences (INDRUM 2016 in Montpellier (France), 2018 in Kristiansand (Norway), 2020 On-line from Bizerte (Tunisia) and 2022 in Hannover (Germany)) and will cover teacher and student practices and the teaching and learning of specific mathematical topics at undergraduate and post-graduate level as well as across disciplines. The target audience of this conference is researchers in didactics of mathematics, mathematicians as well as teachers and researchers who are interested in these issues. 


INDRUM 2024 International Programme Committee

Chair, Co-chair and LOC Chair

Alejandro S. González-Martín (University of Montreal, Canada) IPC Chair,

Ghislaine Gueudet (Université Paris Saclay, France) IPC Co-chair,

Ignasi Florensa (Escola Universitària Salesiana de Sarrià – Univ. Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain) LOC Chair,

IPC Members

Berta Barquero (University of Barcelona, Spain),  Matija Bašić (University of Zagreb, Croatia),  Laura Branchetti (University of Milan, Italy),  Ignasi  Florensa (Escola Universitària Salesiana de Sarrià – Univ. Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain), Erik Hanke (University of Hannover, Germany),  Thomas Hausberger (University of Montpellier, France),  Mitsuru Kawazoe (Osaka Metropolitan University, Japan), Elena Nardi (University of East Anglia, UK) , Frode Rønning (Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway), Heidi Strømskag (Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway), María Trigueros (Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla, Mexico), Olov Viirman (Uppsala University, Sweden)

INDRUM 2024 Local Organising Committee

Ignasi Florensa (EUSS – Univ. Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain) Chair, Jordi Cuadros (IQS – Univ. Ramon Llull, Spain), Laura Fernández-Ruano (IQS – Univ. Ramon Llull, Spain), Iria Fraga (EUSS – Univ. Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain), María Josep Freixanet (Universitat Politécnica de Catalunya, Spain), Nathan Lombard (EUSS – Univ. Autònoma de Barcelona,  Spain), Kristina Markulin (EUSS – Univ. Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain), Víctor Martínez-Junza (EUSS – Univ. Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain), Noemí Ruiz-Munzón (EUSS – Univ. Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain), Lídia Serrano (Universidad de Deusto, Spain)



Pre-proceedings, Second Announcement and TWG Session Plan are now available


The final schedule is now available


Final decisions have been sent by April 29


First announcement is released!

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